Airports Council International surprised by the progress of the airport in Santa Lucia being built by the Mexican army

“I am very impressed by what they did there, in Santa Lucia, in the sense of how they were able to build an interesting, modular airport that works well,” said Luis Felipe de Oliveira.

The global director of the Airports Council International (ACI, for its acronym in English), Luis Felipe de Oliveira, said he was positively surprised by the progress of the airport in Santa Lucia being built by the Mexican army.

The global director, together with Rafael Echevarne, director for Latin America of the ICA, toured the works of the new airport that is being built in Zumpango, and where General Gustavo Vallejo showed them the air port.

“I am very impressed by what they did there, in Santa Lucia, in the sense of how they were able to build a modular, interesting airport that works well, we spent the day at the airport, with the quality of the runways, with the quality of construction, the military really got involved, they studied the issue, they know what they are doing, I was very well impressed, ”emphasized De Oliveira.

The global director of ACI had been very critical of the Santa Lucia airport while serving as general director of the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA), but assured that his opinion changed after observing the work.

Echevarne indicated that the challenge will be the management of the airport and the land connection with the travel demand centers.

The government intends to rehabilitate a series of highways to access the airport, in addition to expanding the Suburban Train, to connect Lechería with the air terminal.

“For me, if the urban mobility problem can be solved, I think it will be something that will work very well. I think that with the modules that the airport has, which for 10 and 20 years, could be a future solution to replace the AICM ”, added De Olivera.

In Echevarne’s words, there is no country, not even the Arab nations, where an airport as fast, efficient and high-quality as that of Saint Lucia has been built that has been criticized.

New Felipe Angeles Airport

The Santa Lucía Military Air Base, located in Zumpango, State of Mexico, and just 45 km from the Benito Juárez International Airport of Mexico City (AICM), will be transformed into the Felipe Ángeles International Airport to be together with the AICM and the Toluca International Airport is part of a comprehensive airport network in the metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City.

The first stage will be ready in 2021 with this project, the remodeling and expansion of the Mexico City and Toluca airports, we will solve the problem of saturation in the Metropolitan Area in an orderly, austere way and with the technical capacity of the SEDENA engineers.

The Project is based on a simple concept in order to adapt to the austerity plan of the Government of Mexico, without losing sight of innovation, efficiency and functionality.


Mexico Daily Post