How to Register Your Pets in the RUAC of CDMX? If You Don’t, There’s a Fine


The RUAC integrates the identification data of the companion animal and its guardian. The procedure is free, and we’ll tell you how to do it.

What is the RUAC?

The RUAC was created with the goal of having better control and a census of pets in Mexico City. This measure, supported by the Law of Protection and Welfare of Animals, allows the government to carry out beneficial actions such as sterilization, vaccination, and deworming campaigns.

This key is a kind of CURP for your pet, facilitating its identification and offering a framework of legal protection.

Animals registered in the RUAC have access to services focused on their welfare, such as vaccinations, help in case of loss, and more.

How to Register Your Pets in the RUAC of CDMX

Registration is done online through the official RUAC portal. Account Creation: The responsible guardian must create an account, provide their personal data, and then that of their pet.

Required Data: Details such as the name, color, age, and health status of the pet are required, as well as photographs and, preferably, medical data. Completion: Once the form is completed, a unique RUAC key will be generated for each animal.

Benefits of Registration

The benefits include access to preventive health campaigns, legal recognition, and support in cases of loss or mistreatment.

It is an essential tool to ensure the welfare of pets in CDMX.

It is possible to update the animal’s information at any time, which is crucial to keep up to date the health status and location of the pet. It is a simple and free process that offers multiple benefits for both companion animals and their guardians.

What is the Fine for Not Registering Your Pet in the RUAC?

Being a mandatory requirement for every owner of a companion animal, according to Article 66 of the Law of Protection and Welfare of Animals in CDMX, there will be sanctions for owners who do not have the RUAC.

Such a fine can range from 2,279.97 to 3,365.67 Mexican pesos, based on the current value of the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA). Those who violate the rule also risk facing an arrest of 24 to 36 hours.

Source: Soy Emprendedor