What are the criminal organizations that operate in Mexico-Querétaro, this is the reason why they dispute control


Every year, on average, 1,121 complaints are filed for vehicle theft on federal highways, according to data from the National Guard by Mariana García y Octavio Vargas

In less than 24 hours, at least three violent events have been reported on the Mexico-Queretaro highway, of which, more than one person has paid with their life. These events have been captured with the help of vehicle cameras that are later disseminated on social networks by the victims and carriers themselves.

In them, different criminal acts can be seen, such as kidnappings and extortions, however, on January 17 and 18, materials were evidenced where a group of armed men marked the stop to try to steal the merchandise that a cargo truck was transporting.

This way of operating has been linked to organized crime and is not considered a novelty, however, the peaks in the cases have been a topic related to the dispute over the territory of at least three drug trafficking groups, which have not only threatened the carrier, but also, the population of the entity in general.

After the leak of official documents from the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), by the Guacamaya Leaks group, intelligence files were released that detail the criminal organizations that extend throughout the country.

In this information, the state of Queretaro stands out, where the presence of three criminal gangs is registered: the Santa Rosa Cartel, created by José Antonio Yépez Ortiz “El Marro”, the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, better known as “El Mencho”, and the San Juan del Río Criminal Band.

However, the fight to control these territories has submerged the population in a wave of violence.

The CJNG, one of the most important cartels in the country, has reinforced its presence in Queretaro with messages and criminal threats that have alerted the population. Last November, blankets were placed to legitimize their participation in the entity.

However, the authorities reported on the capture of at least 9 men related to the placement of the messages. This was the reason why, a month later, a video of several armed and covered subjects was disseminated to the head to clarify that the CJNG “already had located” their opponents in the state.

“This communication goes even, we are already in the whole state, we go for scum, transport, grasshoppers, huachicoleros, extortionists and you municipal, state governments stop extorting people, we already have them located in their homes and stop supporting all that bunch of scum. Pure people of the Lord of the Roosters, attentively Commander Castro, pure CJNG “, they stand out in their video message.

Source: Infobae