Xoloitzcuintles saturate Russia; about to be the favorite dog in that country


No one should get the idea that a xoloitzcuintle dog, for lacking hair, is not made to live in regions of low temperatures. In Russia, these dogs are given a sweatshirt or vest and are ready to play in the snow.

But, let’s say, the resistance of the Mexican hairless dog to the cold is not the news itself, the highlight is that the nation governed by Vladimir Putin has become a power in terms of reproduction and ownership as a pet of this emblematic dog of Mexico.

The first to notice this was the expert in breeding xoloitzcuintles, Sixto Langarica. Since then, he already commented that Russian breeders are producing a number of xolo specimens similar to that of Mexico. Therefore, he declared that Russia is already the second power in the matter.

And in one of those they even beat Mexico. An example of this is that so far in Russia there have been 13 editions of the “National Xoloitzcuintle Exhibition”. To give us an idea, in the year 2022, 72 specimens participated in a contest to choose the best one.

Another proof are the numerous videos on YouTube of Russians showing off their daily coexistence with their Mexican hairless dogs; they tell how it is to go for a walk with these animals, what care they should put on their skin, as well as all the thanks they make.

To see it for yourself, place in the YouTube bar: “Ксолоитцкуитнле Россия” (xoloitzcuintles in Russia) and check the furor that the Russians have for the xolos, which by the way are not cheap there. The cost of a specimen in those lands is around 120 thousand rubles, something like 23 thousand Mexican pesos.

With all this, perhaps it is worth asking two questions: the first is what do xoloitzcuintles have that makes them so pleasing to the Russians, and how did the xoloitzcuintles get to Russia?

Sadly, we can only answer the second question, and that partially. The breeders of that country say that the first xoloitzcuintles arrived in Russia in 1986, from Cuba, from there the breed began to be reproduced, but that is all they know.

Russia has perhaps become the first breeding power of xoloitzcuintles. There, they make xolos shows and thousands have adopted them as pets.

Source: Mexico Desconocido