The head of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez, highlighted that this number of participants will multiply, since the drill is nationwide, not only in Mexico City.
At least 119 thousand companies and more than 9 million people participated this Tuesday, September 19th, in the 2023 national seismic drill, which is carried out on the occasion of the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes, the two most destructive in the country’s recent history and which occurred in the same time. date.
“The preliminary registration that we carried out in the national coordination was approximately 119,000 companies and more than 9 million people who are going to obtain a registration certificate,” said Laura Velázquez, head of the National Coordination of Government, at the morning conference of the Government. Civil Protection (CNPC).
However, the official highlighted that this number of participants will multiply, since the drill is nationwide, not just in Mexico City.
“And we expect millions of people and also companies that can participate,” she said.
Both the CNPC and the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) invited citizens to be part of this exercise that seeks to promote the culture of civil protection in society.
All 32 states of the Mexican Republic participated in the drill.