Pemex, Among the World’s Most Polluting Oil Companies, Reveals Study

Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) is among the top five state-owned companies responsible for 10.9% of the historical CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement, along with Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, the National Iranian Oil Company, and Coal India.

A report by InfluenceMap – released this April 4th – exposes the entities that have contributed the most to global pollutant emissions, among them Pemex and six other Latin American oil companies, as well as a Spanish one.

The report was made using historical databases from Carbon Majors on the world’s largest producers of oil, gas, coal, and cement, covering from 1854 to 2022.

Within the list of the top 20 entities for carbon emissions (1854-2022), Pemex ranked 12th, historically emitting 1.3% of global CO2 emissions.

Since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which was signed by Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), in 2016, Pemex contributed 1.0% to global CO2 emissions between 2016 and 2022.

After the signing of the Paris Agreement, these Latin American companies were – as of the 2022 cut-off – in the following positions: Petrobras (19); Pemex (20); Petróleos de Venezuela (30); Ecopetrol (59); PetroEcuador (75); YPF (77); Cemex (105); Vale (108); and the Spanish company, Repsol (61).

The report shows that the majority of global CO2 emissions produced since the Paris Agreement can be attributed to a small group of large emitters, which have not reduced production.

“These 57 corporate and state entities can be linked to 80% of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement between 2016 and 2022. Nation-state producers account for 38% of emissions in the database for the same period, while state entities represent 37% of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement; 25% come from investor-owned companies.

Regarding the importance of this type of data and the reports produced from its analysis, Daan Van Acker, Director of Programs at InfluenceMap, stated: ‘The Carbon Majors database is a key tool for attributing climate change responsibility to fossil fuel producers with the most significant role in driving global CO2 emissions.

InfluenceMap’s new analysis shows that this group is not slowing down production, and most entities increased production after the Paris Agreement. This research provides a crucial link to hold these energy giants accountable for the consequences of their activities.'”

It’s essential to address the impact of these emissions and work toward sustainable practices.

Source: El Universal