Seven out of ten disapprove of lesbian couples as adopters of children, in Toluca


According to Enadis 2020, this occurs in the metropolitan areas of León, Torreón, Guadalajara and Toluca.

According to the National Survey on Discrimination 2020 (Enadis), in the metropolitan areas of León, Torreón, Guadalajara and Toluca, seven out of ten people disagree and strongly disagree with allowing the adoption of couples of lesbian women.

They are followed with six out of ten by the metropolitan areas of Puebla-Tlaxcala, Querétaro, Tijuana, Monterrey and Mexico City.

Enadis 2020 reveals that in the metropolitan areas of León, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Querétaro, Toluca, Torreón and Guadalajara, seven out of ten people disagree and strongly disagree with the fact that gay male couples are allowed to adopt boys and girls. In Tijuana, Monterrey, and Mexico City, six out of ten people have the same opinion.


In this regard, Luz Castro, a non-heterosexual person living in Naucalpan, commented that there is still a lot of culture and empathy with the LGBT community, and observed that the greatest rejection is in the most conservative metropolitan areas, “it bothers them that homosexuals adopt, but they do not do it”.

On the “ International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia”, Which is celebrated this Monday, considered that in Mexico City there is a greater openness and that the whole country should be in the same proportion.

Surveys reveal that …

In Mexico, almost 2.7 million people declared not to be heterosexual, which represents 3.2% of the national population, reported the General Equality Unit of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

According to this parameter, in the State of Mexico, the number of non-heterosexual people would be just over half a million people.


The Mexico City Post