CFE leaves half a million Mexicans who could not pay without electricity


MEXICO: Over half a million Mexicans were left without electricity in full health emergency by the Covid-19, with consequent implications for the long period of social isolation.

Sin luz y en plena pandemia; Así dejo la CFE a miles de mexicanos ...

During phase 3 of the pandemic, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) ordered the cut of the service because 543 thousand 128 users could not pay their bill between April and May 12 .

Todo el departamento de Caquetá está sin energía eléctrica ...

Of that total, 91,381 services, among homes, businesses, service providers, industries, were left without the supply of electrical energy in the Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico, including Mexico City and the State of Mexico or, considered the center of the pandemic.

The states most affected by the CFE cuts

Information from the state power company delivered through the National Transparency Platform reveals that customers in Jalisco, Michoacán, Puebla and Guerrero, among others, were the most affected by the power cuts in those 42 days, a problem that It could aggravate at the end of this month due to the continuity of the social isolation that ends on June 1.

Barlett will not forgive bills

En plena pandemia por coronavirus, CFE deja a medio millón de ...

CFE director Manuel Bartlett had warned that he would not postpone or condone the bills of Mexican households because there are also expenses to cover, such as the payment of 90,000 workers and the purchase of fuel so that the electricity network continues to supply the service. . However, a significant number of contract customers suffered the switch-off because they did not have the money to pay for the service .

In April, CFE ordered the cut of 416,505 services. There was not a single federal entity that has not reported this type of incident.

The State of Mexico topped the list, with 38,694 cuts, followed by Mexico City with 33,358. The lowest number of services that were suspended involved 2,521 clients who were left without power in Aguascalientes.

Between May 1 and 12, 126,623 users had been without electricity throughout the national territory. Of these, the highest number was observed in Jalisco, with 11,892, followed by the State of Mexico, with 9,706, and the CDMX 9,623 users.

Así se vive sin energía eléctrica - YouTube

They total two million

So far this year, CFE has ordered the cut of the service for 2 million 88 thousand 409 users for non-payment. However, the company maintains the commitment to plunged through the Goodbye to your debt agreement in Tabasco, which involves 59 thousand 705 users, shows the letter from CFE Ref. UT / SAIP / 1219/20 dated May 12.

It also maintains unchanged the free service to the 90 thousand workers of the company. Before starting the critical phases of the pandemic, the governors of Baja California, Jalisco, and Quintana Roo expressed concern about the decision “not to postpone or forgive household bills during the health contingency.”


The Mazatlan Post