The In-N-Out Copycat Making Waves in Guadalajara, Mexico


Guadalajara, Mexico, once played host to the real In-N-Out for a single day, drawing long lines of eager customers. However, in August 2023, a burger joint in Culiacán, Mexico, gained viral attention for its red trays and double-patty burgers topped with orange cheese—strikingly similar to the iconic California-based In-N-Out Burger. Surprisingly, this viral fame didn’t lead to success for the copycat restaurant; instead, it resulted in legal battles, prompting the establishment to change its name.

Now, another In-N-Out copycat has emerged in Guadalajara, Mexico, and it’s taking social media by storm. Meet “In-En-Aut,” a knockoff establishment that mirrors In-N-Out’s aesthetic. In-En-Aut features thin burger patties adorned with orange cheese, crisp thin-cut fries, and red trays. The restaurant’s logo cleverly incorporates a twist on In-N-Out’s iconic arrow, creating a visual reminiscent of McDonald’s golden arches. Even the menu design closely resembles In-N-Out, with its red-and-white color scheme and curved font.

While In-N-Out prices in California continue to rise, In-En-Aut offers a more budget-friendly alternative. For just 220 pesos (approximately $12.13), patrons can enjoy a double burger, French fries, and a medium drink (referred to as “drick” on the menu)—a steal compared to San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf In-N-Out combo deal.

Interestingly, In-N-Out officially lacks a storefront in Mexico or any other country outside the U.S. Yet, local entrepreneurs recognize the market potential for these copycat restaurants, even if they risk legal battles with In-N-Out’s lawyers.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, In-N-Out has extended its trademark protection to Mexico, preventing other businesses from adopting a similar design. However, a cat-and-mouse legal game ensues until In-N-Out’s lawyers act, these copycat establishments operate freely. A search of the international trademark database reveals that many small businesses attempting to use variations of “in n out” have either canceled or abandoned their trademark requests.

Source: SF Gate