The price of gasoline in Mexico City is, on average, 63% more expensive than in Texas

According to data from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE). Referring to information from PetroIntelligence, last Sunday saw maximum prices of 26.89 pesos for Premium gasoline in Mexico City and 27.9 pesos in Guadalajara, while Regular gasoline reached 24.99 pesos in both cities.

During the first week of May, the average price for Regular gasoline in Nuevo León was 24.52 pesos, which is 68% higher than its equivalent price in Texas (14.60 pesos per liter). Premium gasoline in Nuevo León averaged 27.08 pesos per liter, 50% more expensive than the 18.10 pesos for its Texas counterpart. In 2024, the price difference has even reached up to 98%.

Representatives from the energy sector, including Alejandro Montufar Helú, director of the petroleum analysis platform PetroIntelligence, argue that the Mexican government collects taxes by selling gasoline at higher prices than in the United States. These taxes help cover part of the fiscal deficit faced by the 55% of Mexicans working in the informal sector, as well as funding social programs and flagship projects. The substantial price differential between Mexico and the U.S. is largely attributed to the tax structure.

Source: XEU Noticias