Get ready! BBVA could cancel your debit card this next March 15

Currently, it is very indispensable to have a debit card to save your money. It is quite common to hear phrases like “I don’t have cash” or “I’ll transfer you” on an outing with your friends, and although it seems like a good excuse not to pay, in reality, several people prefer not to carry much cash with them and use their cards as a method of payment.

If you are one of those who prefer to use debit cards and are a BBVA customer, it is better that you stay alert and keep reading, because this bank recently announced the cancellation of some of its debit cards.

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BBVA is one of the banks with the most affiliated users in the Mexican territory. This is because hundreds of families have joined this bank as a family tradition since its arrival in Mexico in 1995.

More than twenty years since it was established in Mexico, the bank had managed to gain a good reputation among the population. However, that could change with the announcement that this financial institution will cancel the credit cards of some account holders.

Why is BBVA canceling debit cards?

Because some people open their bank account to get their debit card and stop using it for months or years, either due to loss, loss of interest or other reasons, BBVA has decided to cancel the cards that have not had bank movements in the last months.

This measure is protected by the Law for the Transparency and Ordering of Financial Services, and will be carried out as of next March 15 of this year.

Which are the cards that BBVA is canceling?

If you stopped using your BBVA card in the last three months, it is better that you prevent yourself, because if you have any of these cards with your balance at zero, the bank could cancel your debit account and, therefore, your card as of March 15.

Tarjeta básica BBVA

Tarjeta nómina BBVA

El Libretón (individual, grupal, nómina, colectiva, hipoteca y fundación)

BBVA Libretón 2.0

Libretón premium

Mi despensa

Membresía BP

Link Card (Winner Card)

Maestra PyME

Solución personal

Tarjeta de pagos

Contigo BBVA

Maestras particulares

Envíos de dinero

Cuenta express

Libretón dólares

Maestra dólares frontera

Maestra dólares PyME

Maestra patrimonial dólares

Before taking this measure, the bank will notify you through your email. Therefore, if you want to avoid this cancellation, it is better that you contact the bank and manage to save your account and debit card.

Source: Chic Magazine