There is less and less time left for line 3 of the Cablebús in Mexico City to open, providing service from Metro Constituyentes to the Vasco de Quiroga area, thus allowing many inhabitants of the high area of Álvaro Obregón to reach their destinations faster through the avenue with the aforementioned metro, however in recent days the doubt has arisen of how each station can be used and if access will be complicated.
First, Line 3 will have only 6 stations, which will cover 5.5 kilometers, connecting with the Interurban Train that leaves for Toluca and that was also inaugurated a few months ago after years of works.
The vast majority of the stations cross areas of purely tourist interest, however many potential users made it clear how complicated it will be to access certain stations, mainly because the entrance will be somewhat far from the platform where you can access the cable car.
Vasco de Quiroga connection case – Interurban Train
At the Vasco Quiroga terminal, you can presume the color change as a symbol of the Integrated Mobility that has so much echoed the current one of the CDMX to show off the different ways that users of public transport have to move without complications through the city, however, once you arrived at the terminal, the transfer from cable car to Interurban Train will require you to walk almost 460 meters, a somewhat large distance for many users on networks.
In addition to the aforementioned, other suggestions that can be read on networks are that there must be more connections and that the ideal ones would be in Metro Auditorio and Tacubaya, two of the busiest areas in the area.

Source: La Prensa