This is how spectacular the Zócalo lighting was for September 15 

This year the lighting of the Zócalo to celebrate the Independence of Mexico is with pre-Hispanic motifs. 

This September 2023, the Government of Mexico City shined with the lighting of the Zócalo to celebrate the 213th anniversary of the Independence of Mexico. Therefore, we say with certainty that no Mexican should miss this luminous decoration. 

Because? Well, it turns out that everything was done with pre-Hispanic, specifically Mexican, theme. The Temple of Tezcatlipoca, the House of the Eagles, the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, the Templo Mayor, the Temple of the Sun and even the Stone of the Sun, placed on Avenida 20 de Noviembre, are represented there. 

The above regarding our pride in being descendants of the inhabitants of Tenochtitlan, but they did not forget to make the illuminated figures of the protagonists of the war for the emancipation of Spain. That is why the faces of Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez, Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos are reflected there in the buildings on the west side, that is, those of the Joyero Center. 

There were 110 workers from the Secretariat of Works and Services of Mexico City, who placed a total of 21 thousand LED lights that make up this decoration, according to the Head of the Department of Decorative Lighting and Superposts, Laurencio Waldo Hernández. 

Since 1967, the Zócalo has been illuminated on September 15 

He comments that since 1963, the lighting of the Zócalo was established for the first time on the occasion of the national holidays, but also for Christmas, however it was not until 1967, that on the occasion of the Olympic Games, it was carried out uninterruptedly, despite events like the previous pandemic. 

It must be remembered that last year, that is, 2022, the lighting of the Zócalo was no less amazing. Well, among everything that stood out, there was a luminous tribute to the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes. 

How many people enjoy the Zócalo lighting each year? 

However. According to calculations, the Zócalo is visited each year by 10 million people, this means that 27,397 individuals pass through the country’s main square every day. So, if we consider that the national lighting remains in place for about 20 days in September, it means that about 547,945 Mexicans appreciate it every year. 

  Source: Mexico Desconicido