Is the working day approved for reduction of hours in Mexico? This is what is known about the reform 

The years continue to pass and workers in Mexico maintain the hope of accessing a reduction in working hours. In this sense, it must be remembered that the Commission of Constitutional Points of the Chamber of Deputies approved an initiative to lower the hours worked; however, it will not be until the next regular session when it will be debated in plenary, which is why a wide variety of questions arise.  

What will happen to the working day? Was it approved? Will I enjoy more days off? o Will they take away my meal hours? These are just some of the questions people have asked around the subject. 

Before clearing up some doubts, it will be necessary to remember that the opinion presented by the Morena legislator, Susana Prieto Terrazas, was sent to the Chamber of Deputies and will be discussed in the next session in September. 

According to the information, this initiative will have some advantages for employees, since for approximately 106 years (1917) the time limit in hours worked has not been modified. 

According to the proposal, it will seek to approve a maximum working day of 40 hours a week. 

Currently the Federal Labor Law establishes that a worker can work up to 48 hours a week. In addition, according to Art.123 of the Constitution, an employee can enjoy at least one day off for 6 working days. 

While the new proposal establishes that employees must work 5 days and enjoy two days off. 

As previously announced, the Constitutional Points Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved last April to amend section IV of Section A of article 123 of the Constitution, to establish a maximum legal working day of 40 hours a week. 

However, it will be until the next ordinary period when it is analyzed and, where appropriate, approved in plenary. If the bill is not approved, companies must pay overtime to employees. 

It is likely that with this new working day an employee will be able to access at least two rest days a week, instead of one. 

Its main objective is to maintain the physical and mental health of workers, as well as provide a better quality of life. 

According to Art 63 of the Federal Workers’ Law, your company must grant at least 30 minutes of rest during a continuous work day. In that case, even if the initiative is approved, they will not be able to change the time to access their food. 

The bad news on this issue is that, for example, of the list of countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), citizens residing in Mexico are the ones who work the most, since on average each one works at least 2 thousand 255 hours a year. While in other countries such as Germany or Denmark they work approximately 1,380 hours a year. 

Source: Infobae