Lorenzo Córdova leaves the presidency of the INE


Our cause is to consolidate electoral democracy in Mexico and give citizens the guarantee of the full exercise of their political rights, said Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, president of the National Electoral Institute (INE) during the last ordinary session of the General Council that he presides over. and officially ends on April 3rd.

Córdova Vianello thanked the members of the INE’s General Executive Board and the members of the Electoral Professional Service for efficiently attending to the highly specialized tasks of the institute during his nine years as president counselor.

“All of you should feel satisfied and satisfied with your contribution, always committed, always brave, in favor of this noble institution of the Mexican State that is the guarantor of our freedoms and our democratic rights,” he said.

He added that thanks to the efforts of the INE staff, citizens were given the guarantee of the full exercise of their political rights and the longest period of political stability and democratic governance in the entire history of the country.

It is expected that no later than Thursday, March 30th, the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies will elect the successor to Lorenzo Córdova and the other three directors who will finish their term. Ciro Murayama, Adriana Favela and Roberto Ruiz Saldana.

Source: OEM

The Mexico City Post