AMLO says Donald Trump’s potential indictment is a ‘fabrication’ to keep him off 2024 ballot


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador appeared to side with former President Donald Trump amid his ongoing legal battle with the Manhattan district attorney’s office, slamming the potential indictment as a way to prevent Trump from seeking the White House in 2024.

“Right now, former President Trump is declaring that they are going to arrest him,” López Obrador said Tuesday during a press conference, according to transcribed remarks from Newsweek. “If that were the case… it would be so that his name doesn’t appear on the ballot.”

The comments from López Obrador, who often disagrees with Trump and has served as president of Mexico since 2018, come as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg weighs whether to bring charges against Trump amid the leading Republican’s third run for president.

An indictment, if handed down from a grand jury, could come as early as Wednesday, a source told Fox News. The earliest Trump could appear in court if charged would be next week. If indicted, the U.S. Secret Service and the New York Police Department would discuss how the former president would surrender.

Insisting that the supposed charges against Trump are a “fabrication,” López Obrador said that he has also been at the center of attempts to prevent him from obtaining political office.

“I say this because I too have suffered from the fabrication of a crime when they didn’t want me to run,” López Obrador said at the press conference. “And this is completely anti-democratic… Why not allow the people to decide?”

Trump has repeatedly denied wrongdoing with regard to the payments made to Daniels, and he has repeatedly said the payments were “not a campaign violation” but rather a “simple private transaction.”

Source: El Financiero

The Mexico City Post