VIDEO: Live the experience of traveling on the PARTY BUS in CDMX


A video that circulates on TikTok shows an atmosphere that is so happy and festive, so users wonder if they pay for a ticket or cover to get on the bus.

This video was shared by the TikTok user registered as Carlos MaLo (@carlosmalo29), who was apparently one of the passengers in the bus.

A common for public transport driver plays some of their favorite songs to try to liven up the journeys they have to do throughout the day.

But what is perhaps not so often seen is that passengers throw a party on board the unit in which they travel, as is the case in this TikTok video.

In the images of the TikTok video of the festive bus, you can see the moment in which a party is set up between the driver and the passengers who were traveling in the unit.

It is that between the music, the passengers and the driver singing and the neon light, it was very difficult not to want to enter that joyful and festive atmosphere.

Therefore, both the passengers and the bus driver were able to enjoy a very pleasant time.

Which was so enjoyable, was that the passengers did not want to get off when they reached their destination. They even gave the driver a round of applause for tremendous gigs.

On TikTok they already ask which the bus route is to live the CDMX experience

According to what the TikTok user who shared the video said that the route that goes from Six Flags to CU, in CDMX.

Users of the social network who have already seen the video, were also infected by the atmosphere that was in the truck.

They want to be able to find that bus route, because they assure that they would not have gotten off either and would have walked ten blocks back without thinking about it. Since such a happy environment cheers up the day of any passenger, like those of this viral bus on TikTok.

Source: SDP Noticas