Sady Loaiza is the name of the Venezuelan ‘Chavista’ who is redesigning public school textbooks in Mexico

Sady Loaiza is a former official of the government of Nicolás Maduro and publicly supported Chavismo in Venezuela. Currently, he writes the SEP textbooks. Sady Arturo Loaiza Escalona, who prepares the new Public Education Secretariat textbooks, openly accepts that he practiced Chavismo in Venezuela.

The Ministry of Public Education (SEP) has generated controversy, now, for its deputy director, who is in charge of redesigning the content of textbooks and educational materials in Mexico. Millions of Mexicans are asking AMLO’s government: What does a Venezuelan communist have to do with educational books in Mexico?

According to the newspaper Reforma, he is a former official of the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. In addition, he has held his position as deputy director since January of last year, based on information from his net worth statement delivered to the Ministry of Public Administration.

He also serves as Director of Development and Innovation of Educational Materials, which in the SEP organization chart is right below the General Directorate of Educational Materials headed by someone that goes by the name of Marx Arriaga Navarro (talking about Marxism).

The public official practiced politics in Venezuela, before coming to Mexico. But, he also served as director of the National Library of that country, in the period of 2014 and 2018.

This library is attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Culture, one of the central portfolios for the dissemination of the Chavista ideology and the propaganda of the government headed by Nicolás Maduro.

During his time at this institution, he created a room for reading and critical thinking about Hugo Chávez, who passed away in March 2013.

Within the public life of Venezuela, in 2016 he participated in the distribution of “Bags Hugo Chávez” with the colors of the flag of the South American country, to students of the José Ignacio Cabrujas school.

“He participated in thousands of marches and campaigns in defense of Chavismo and the regime of Nicolás Maduro,” says Reforma.

How did Sady Arturo come to the SEP?

Based on information from Latinus, Loaiza Escalona came to the SEP at the invitation of his friend Marx Arriaga Navarro, with whom he currently redesigns free primary and secondary textbooks.

In addition, both write texts in editions of the General Directorate of Educational Materials, as in “A book without recipes, for the teacher and the teacher. Phase 3″.

Although the deputy director of the SEP would have hidden his work experience in Venezuela from the SFP, on his social networks he does not deny his ideological approaches, because through Twitter he has reiterated his political conviction and his admiration for Hugo Chavez.

Source: Radio Formula

Mexico Daily Post