Does bisexuality exist in Mexico? INEGI survey confirms it 


The National Survey on Sexual and Gender Diversity (ENDISEG) 2021 showed that, in Mexico, the LGBT+ population amounts to five million people

According to the first National Survey on Sexual and Gender Diversity ( ENDISEG ) 2021, in Mexico, the LGBT+ population amounts to five million people, which corresponds to 5.1 percent of the population aged 15 and over, which means that one in 20 people identifies as part of the community. 

95 percent of the population aged 15 and over (92.6 million people) identified as heterosexual, while 5 percent (5 million) as LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, among others).  

How is it distributed? 

Of the total population with LGBT+ sexual orientation, 51.7 percent self-identified as bisexual; (2 million 387 thousand 343 people) let us remember that bisexuality is a sexual orientation, and is defined as romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior directed both towards the opposite sex and towards one’s own sex.  

26.5 percent, as gay or homosexual; 10.6 percent, as a lesbian, and 11.2 percent reported having another orientation (pansexual, asexual, demisexual, among others). 

The State of Mexico concentrates the largest amount of LGBT+ population with 490 thousand people, followed by Mexico City, with 311 thousand people, and Veracruz, with 308 thousand, while, according to its territorial size, Colima has the highest percentage LGBT+ population, with 8.7%, followed by Yucatán and Querétaro, with 8.3 and 8.2%, respectively.  

Of the five million people who identify as part of the LGBT+ population, more than half (67.5%) are between the ages of 15 and 29. This data can be understood as there is a greater openness to self-recognition on the part of the younger population; while 64.9% of the LGBTI+ population reported being single. 16.7% declared living in a free union and 13.9% reported being married.  

What about Sinaloa? 

Sinaloa ranked 16th with 121, 638% of the LGBT+ population (5.1% compared to the national percentage).  

The ENDISEG survey was carried out from August 23, 2021, to January 16, 2022, in nearly 44,000 homes throughout Mexico and online. During its design, there was a conceptual collaboration from the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), as well as the participation of civil society organizations, academic and government institutions. 

With this highly specialized demographic analysis tool, Mexico becomes one of the first countries in the world and in history to offer an official figure in the world and in history to offer an official population figure, obtained through a scientific instrument that will be in permanent evolution.  

This ENDISEG project placed INEGI at the international forefront in generating statistics on sexual and gender diversity.  


Mexico Daily Post