Morena has called the deputies who voted against the electricity reform “traitors”.
It lasted only a few hours the display on the portal “” the 223 deputies who with their votes prevented the approval of the electricity reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
That web page was added to the “hate campaign” denounced by the opposition and which, according to it, has motivated hundreds of attacks on management offices, on social networks, or verbally against lawmakers from the opposition.
What happened to
During noon yesterday, the alleged list of “traitors” was kept in force on that page with 113 deputies from the National Action (PAN), 70 from the Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), 14 from the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), the three members of the legislative alliance “Va por México”, plus the 25 Citizen Movement (MC) and one that still belonged to the Green Party (PVEM).

Along with their photographs and the party to which they belong, a link was made to the page of the Chamber of Deputies with the curricular data of each one, their location in the offices of the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro and their institutional email.
The appearance of the page occurred in the midst of the climate of political confrontation generated after the vote on the electricity reform and calls by the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, to carry out a campaign throughout the country to point out those who, in his opinion, attacked Mexico.
And although alleged information from the Parliamentary Gazette appeared, it was actually wrong, since it was claimed that there were 224 votes against, that is, one more than those issued, since the morenista Guadalupe Chavira was included, who was not present and did not vote. .
That website was opened on Tuesday, April 19, linked to the Twitter account @remediomx_ and presented as a supposed social experiment, with the legend “Is bad for democracy and abusive This poll will determin elimination of the platform”.

According to data from the same survey, there were still 20 hours to go until the conclusion of the survey when the page was modified and, instead of the list of “traitors”, the legend appeared: “there are people who think differently, that is democracy. Many platforms and citizen movements, out of naivety, have incited violence, this is one of many”.

“We understand the feeling of the people that this platform invites the (SIC) hatred and the hunting of the representative deputies of the democratically elected society. We have made the decision to take down the website.”
That caption and the website were later removed, as was the broadcasting Twitter account @remediomx_ with the explanation: “We have decided to remove the application in its entirety, it encourages hatred and we believe that technology can serve to unify instead of to divide We are in favor of opinions.”
After the vote
On Tuesday, in the aftermath of the rejection of the electricity reform promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the official and opposition blocs of the Chamber of Deputies once again shouted at each other in the ordinary session, which was adjourned hastily to defuse tempers. .
The strategy of the Morena caucus of disseminating photographs of deputies who voted against that reform, labeling them with the legend “traitors” and calling them that every time they occupied the rostrum, kept the risk of brawls between benches latent.
“We have received hundreds of threats, attacks and vandalizations” against deputies and offices, accused the leader of the National Action (PAN) deputies, Jorge Romero.
That is why the National Action Party (PAN) decided, every time it used the platform, to present posters with the legend: “Stop hate. No to violence between Mexicans.” Two deputies from that party denounced the first attacks against them allegedly derived from the “hate campaign.”

The session was held amid so many accusations that the leader of the Citizen Movement deputies, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, was exposed on Twitter. “It is good that today society is not following the session of the Chamber of Deputies. It has been sadly embarrassing. Infamous”.
But the opposition’s alerts about the attacks against him were answered by the leader of the deputies of the Green Party (PVEM), Carlos Puente, who also denounced harassment and threats, but for having voted in favor of the reform, along with Morena. and Labor Party (PT).