CDMX booster vaccine for people from 40 to 49 years old starts Monday, January 31: Venues, schedule and requirements for third dose

The Omicron variant of the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus has caused infections to skyrocket during the last month of January. To stay safe, you need to have a third vaccine against Covid-19, which is currently being applied to the population between 40 and 49 years old, so if you are in this age range, keep reading then in BRAND Of course we tell you everything you need to know.

CDMX booster vaccination calendar for people from 40 to 49 years old (First letter of the first surname)

  • A,B | Monday January 31
  • C,D,E,F, | Tuesday February 1
  • G,H,I,J | Wednesday, February 2
  • K,LM,N,Ñ | Thursday February 3
  • O,P,Q,R | Friday February 4
  • S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z | Saturday February 5

Requirements to receive the booster vaccine in CDMX

Official identification that proves that you are 40 years old or older

Have completed your vaccination schedule more than 4 months ago (before September 12, 2021) or be less than a week away from completing it.

Gobierno CDMX on Twitter: "¡Hoy inicia! Arrancamos con la aplicación del  refuerzo de la vacuna contra #COVID19 para personas de 40 a 49 años. Hoy  corresponde a los apellidos que inician con

Vaccination locations and schedules: Locate the one that corresponds to you according to your mayor’s office

  • Gustavo A. Madero, Azcapotzalco | Jaime Torres Bodet Cultural Center of the IPN
  • Miguel Hidalgo, Álvaro Obregón, Cuauhtémoc, Cuajimalpa, Benito Juárez | Mars Field
  • Iztacalco, Venustiano Carranza, Cuauhtémoc, Benito Juárez, Iztapalapa | Arms Room, Sports City
  • Iztacalco, Venustiano Carranza, Cuauhtémoc, Benito Juárez, Iztapalapa | Sport’s palace
  • Iztapalapa | Center for Scientific and Technological Studies No. 7 “Cuauhtémoc” IPN (Voca #7)
  • Xochimilco | CENCIS Marina
  • Tlalpan, Coyoacan | CENCIS Marina
  • Xochimilco, Tlalpan, Coyoacan | National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN)
  • Coyoacán, Magdalena Contreras, Álvaro Obregón, Benito Juárez | University Olympic Stadium
  • Iztapalapa, Tlahuac | El Vergel Military Housing Unit
  • Milpa Alta, Xochimilco, Tlahuac | Sports Villa Milpa Alta

Hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

How to download my Covid certificate by WhatsApp?

-To download this voucher, the first thing to do is save the number in the cell phone’s contact list

-Then, it is necessary to send a message with the word ‘Hello’

-The response will be practically automatic and will show the option to download the certificate

-This message must be answered with the word ‘certificate’

-Write the name, date of birth, CURP, brand of the vaccine and the number of doses

-The bot will give several options in its response, so you must select the second and enter the CURP again

-The answer will arrive with the file that contains the proof of vaccination , ready to print it.

I had or have symptoms of Omicron: How long should I wait for the vaccine?

We ask you not to come if you have symptoms. As soon as you are discharged, 7-14 days after the start of symptoms or a positive test, you can go to any vaccination unit to receive your booster.

What happens if I don’t get vaccinated on the day that corresponds to me?

If for reasons of force majeure you cannot go on your schedule and day, go another day that suits you. If you could not go in the stage of your age group you can go to any later stage.

How and where do they register for the booster shot?

Registration for the booster vaccine is done at the following link:

It is only necessary to enter your CURP in the window ‘I am 40 years old or older and request the booster vaccination’. Your folio will be registered on the platform. It is essential to print the registration document, since it must be presented at the time of receiving the booster dose.

The Mexico City Post