According to the Ministry of Health, 7,158 infections and 489 deaths were registered in the last day
The Ministry of Health (SSa) announced that in the last cut in the country 3,714,392 total accumulated cases have been confirmed since the health emergency began. Regarding the number of deaths, to date, a total of 281,610 deaths have been reported.
With these numbers, in the last 24 hours, there were 7,158 new infections and 489 deaths from COVID-19.
Only six states concentrate 50.04% of the total deaths, these are: Mexico City with (51,412), State of Mexico (31,973), Jalisco (16264), Puebla 14795, Veracruz 13723 and Nuevo León 12,747, which total 140,914, half of the deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, which currently stand at 28.1610.
According to the daily technical statement, as of today there are estimates in the country of a total of 525,355 suspected cases, 6,629,700 negative cases and 48,235 estimated active cases of the disease; that is, patients who began to present symptoms in the last 14 days (September 25 to October 8, 2021).
Photo: (Jovani Pérez)
The agency warned that the entities with the highest number of active cases of SARS-CoV-2 in descending order are: Tabasco, Colima, Mexico City , Guanajuato, Yucatán, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, Nuevo León, Baja California and Coahuila.
Likewise, the Government of Mexico has registered the total number of infections accumulated by residence since the pandemic began, so the states with the highest number of reported cases are: Mexico City (955,216); State of Mexico (366,931); Nuevo Leon (199,418); Guanajuato (178,907); Jalisco (156,975); Tabasco (137,393); Puebla (121,287); Veracruz (119,705); Sonora (109,249) and San Luis Potosí (100,500). These entities represent 66%, that is, more than two thirds of the total accumulated cases in the Mexican Republic.
Photo: (Ministry of Health)
While the states with the highest number of deaths are : Mexico City (51,412); State of Mexico (31,973); Jalisco (16,264); Puebla (14,795); Veracruz (13,723) and Nuevo León (12,747).
The agency pointed out that the distribution by sex in confirmed deaths shows a prevalence of 62% in men, with an average age in deaths of 64 years; while confirmed cases show a greater predominance in women, with 50.1% and the general average age is 39 years.
The SSa pointed out that in the last five weeks, most of the cases are present in the groups of 18 to 29 years, followed by the groups of 30 to 39 years and 40 to 49 years.
Photo: (Ministry of Health)
Regarding hospital availability, until October 7 the states with the highest percentage in general bed occupancy are Aguascalientes (45%), Querétaro (41%) and Puebla (39%). In turn, those with the highest percentage in beds with a fan are Aguascalientes (48%), Morelos (43%) and Tabasco (39%).
On the international scene, there are a total of 236,599,025 infections and 4,831,486 accumulated deaths worldwide. In the last 24 hours, 450,970 and 7,880 were reported, respectively. The overall fatality is 2 percent.

Advancement in the National Vaccination Day
Regarding the session of the National Vaccination Strategy against SARS-CoV-2, the agency announced that 46.9 million people of legal age have a complete scheme .
Epidemiological traffic light map Mexico. (Infobae Mexico)
The Secretariat reported that until October 6, 765,791 vaccines were applied to reach 105,320,232 doses supplied since December 24, with which 74% of the adult population has at least one biological.
Health detailed that 65,879,194 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19, of them, 46,986,802 have the complete scheme, that is, 71% of the population; while 18,892,392 have received a dose, which equates to 29 percent.