MORENA brigade member assaults a senior citizen in Mexico City


Police reports state that the man identified as Alejandro, 71 years old, requested the presence of the police when a Morena brigade member hit him. According to the complaint, the man did not want to receive them at his home and did not want to provide personal information, which caused the two to start arguing.

The Welfare Secretariat announced at the beginning of March 2020 that 25 thousand MORENA members would be deployed to guarantee the dispersion of social programs during the contingency generated by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

It explained that the agency’s workers would not stop work during the emergency to comply with the dispersion of resources and guarantee support to the most vulnerable people in the country. This is not the case. 

The agents of the CDMX police detained a 61-year-old person identified as Benito Antonino, and placed him at the disposal of the civic judge. in the Benito Juarez district of Mexico City.

Source: El Universal

The Mexico City Post