Dollar/Peso exchange price today Saturday, November 21


In the exchange rate against the dollar, yesterday the peso closed with appreciation for the fifth day and spun three weeks advancing

Today, Saturday, November 20, the  dollar is at $ 20.11  Mexican pesos  with a downward trend, according to . The Mexican currency closed this Friday advancing for the fifth day in a row, and with its third week of gain without interrupting. The spot dollar ended at $ 20.06 pesos per unit and the FIX at $ 20.11 pesos. During this Saturday, the markets remain closed.

This week, the dollar touched a minimum of 20.0522 pesos per unit and a maximum of 20.4343 pesos per unit. The Mexican currency obtained an appreciation of 1.71%, which is equal to 34.9 cents.

Regarding the ranking of the most appreciated currencies during the same period, the peso achieved second place. The first place went to the Norwegian crown, which closed with an advance of 1.82%; and in third place the Russian ruble, which managed to appreciate by 1.54%. 

Regarding the exchange rate in the different banks in Mexico , the price of the dollar has its highest price for sale at  $ 21.50  in Banbajío, while the lowest for purchase is at $ 19.00 in Banorte and IXE, according to Dollar .info. Regarding the  euro , it is priced at $ 23.84 pesos, for $ 26.69 pesos of the pound sterling in general average. 

Source: México, TradingView

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