The reality is, in Mexico about 250 thousand patients have died from COVID-19 says, researcher


October 27, 2020

In the official figures of the Ministry of Health, the suspected cases have not been counted, hence the change in the figures

According to the Ministry of Health, as of this Monday, October 26, 89,117 Mexicans have died of coronavirus; However, according to the institution itself, there are also 14,947 suspicious deaths, of which a test was not performed or are awaiting a result.

Adding the official figures (89,117 ) and suspects ( 14,947 ), the number of deaths from covid-19 would amount to 104,118.

In addition to these amounts, the excess mortality report was updated; According to the Ministry of Health, so far this year 139,153 deaths associated with coronavirus have been reported. Adding the previous amount (104,118), with the excess mortality figure (139,153), the total number of deaths from coronavirus would be 243,271.

Héctor Hernández Bringas, a researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM ), pointed out that the official number of deaths, based on information from sources from the Ministry of Health, should be multiplied by a range of (error) 2.3 to 2.8, which would bring a total sum of 249 thousand 678, that is, about 250 thousand.

The researcher explained that there are deaths that have been classified under certain categories of causes such as: pneumonia, atypical pneumonia, acute respiratory infection, asphyxia or diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, and not by coronavirus.

“It turns out that the record of many of these deaths classified under another category also includes, in addition to the main cause of death, other causes that we could call secondary, which were present in the process that led to the death of the person”, He said.

According to Hernández Bringas, the health authorities have not taken into account all the causes of death mentioned in the death certificates, which are up to 6, which reduces the universe of deaths from coronavirus.

“Also, when covid was searched, it was only associated with certain causes, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. If the patient died of AIDS, for example, and also had covid, it was consigned to us. In addition, thousands were left who died from covid and never had a diagnosis, “he added in an interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva for the newscast” In the morning “of Radio Fórmula.


Mexico Daily Post