Making the purchase of an apartment is something that has to be analyzed in detail; Faced with this situation, the real estate portal advises people if it is convenient to acquire a new or used one in the north of CDMX.

The Real Estate analyst of, Leonardo González, explains that before making a decision you must know your needs, how to ask yourself how long you are going to live in that place, “If you are going to inhabit it for two or three years, the best option is a cheaper used house ”.
Likewise, it highlights that the advantage of a new apartment is the most innovative amenities and attributes ; and in case of selling, capital gains can be capitalized in the short term. As a used one, it is that you can easily know the hidden vices a better sale closing.

According to the Real Estate Market Reports (RMI) part I and II, 24 of the most dynamic areas of the city were analyzed and those that make up the northern area of the metropolis are: Lindavista, San Rafael-Azcapotzalco, Clavería, Polanco, Nuevo Polanco, Anáhuac and Anzures. Below is the valuation of the real estate portal:
- Beautiful view
It is made up of the Lindavista Norte, Lindavista Sur, Lindavista Vallejo I, II and III Section, Pemex Lindavista, Lindavista Planetarium, and Torres Lindavista colonies. According to it is better to buy a used apartment in Lindavista Norte and Torres Lindavista, since their average prices per square meter are 28,125 and 27,043 pesos, respectively. In both, the difference in costs between the new and used segment is 5,208 and 2,957 pesos, correspondingly.
In case of choosing a new one, Lindavista Sur, Pemex Lindavista, Planetario Lindavista and Lindavista Vallejo I and III Section are the indicated colonies; the approximate cost per square meter ranges from 16,259 to 25,333 pesos. While the used one is between 20,312 and 32,439 pesos.
- San Rafael-Azcapotzalco
This area is made up of four neighborhoods: Nextitla, Popotla, San Rafael, and Un Hogar para Nosotros. That according to the real estate portal, the first three are recommended to acquire an apartment since the average price per square meter ranges from 18,000 to 24,649 pesos; while the new segment ranges from 19,742 to 30,909 pesos.

- Polanco
It is divided into five zones: Polanco I, II, III, IV and V section, in all of them it is more attractive to buy a used home. The average cost per square meter is located in the range of 63,188 and 93,809 pesos. Polanco I Section is the one that reports the lowest price and Polanco II the highest.

- New Polanco
It is made up of the colonies: Expansion Granada, Granada, Irrigation and Mariano Escobedo, according to, the former are ideal for acquiring a used apartment.
In the Granada Extension, a new home has an average price per square meter of 80,131 pesos , while a used one of 66,327 pesos. Granada, a new one is located at 67,096 pesos and used at 59,450 pesos.
Irrigation and Mariano Escobedo are a good option when it comes to acquiring new apartments , since they have a price per square meter of 65,909 and 44,057 pesos, respectively; while used is 3,483 and 5,096 pesos more expensive, correspondingly.
- Anahuac
The colony that makes up this area is Anáhuac I Section; The portal advises buying a used apartment, since the average price per square meter is 41,299 pesos and a new one is 44,195 pesos.

- Anzures
The colonies in this area with Anzures and Verónica Anzures; In both, it is better to buy a used home since its approximate costs are 52,291 and 49,432 pesos, correspondingly; while a new one the price is 63,497 and 65,660 pesos, respectively.