Over 1,000 Mexico immigration officials fired for corruption


Migration Commissioner reported that in the last year they have separated the servers, including 11 middle managers

In the last year, the National Migration Institute (INM) has separated a thousand and 40 public servants, including 11 middle managers, who allegedly were part of the corruption with which it operated, reported the commissioner of that organ, Francisco Garduño.

Before the Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, who this morning made a tour of the INM headquarters, Garduño said that among those who left the institution is the former deputy representative in Mexico City, five deputy directors and five department heads.

The commissioner assured that all the process that foreigners carried out to formalize their stay in their country was full of obstacles to favor the request for gifts.

“There were people who (early) distributed tokens, 300 tokens and kept 20 for the one who arrived at 11 in the morning. Then they sold those tokens for 300 pesos, an act of total corruption.

“There were 20 chips of 300 pesos, three times two, six (one thousand pesos), for five days (30 thousand pesos), that’s why they wanted to be in that service,” he exemplified.

All this corruption, he explained, made any procedure that foreigners came to carry out take months, since they were always asked for a new document or those they presented were rejected and, eventually, they were sent with the “coyotes.”

To eliminate these practices, in addition to dismissing more than a thousand employees, he said, a reengineering of the entire process was carried out, the route was digitized, unnecessary steps were eliminated, controls were established and today, procedures that took half a year, are done in 40 minutes.

Sánchez Cordero witnessed the changes made at the Institute’s headquarters in Polanco, where spaces were converted, computer equipment was changed, and systems were installed to digitize fingerprinting, signature, and photography.

The official said that this is the most important change that the Institute has had in recent years and that the efficiency with which it now handles immigration procedures contrasts with what happened before the entire reengineering process began.

“This is a before and after. It is a paradigmatic change, there is no doubt that the before was a poorly attended paperwork, people stood in long queues, did not have, on many occasions, a clear regulation of attention,” she said.

Source: diario.mx

The Mexico City Post