Mexico generates 31% of total renewable energy


Mexico has 31% installed capacity to generate electricity through renewable energy, according to the Ministry of Energy.

The head of the Ministry of Energy (Sener), Rocío Nahle, assured that in Mexico it has the installed capacity to generate electricity through renewable energy by up to 31 percent.

In her Twitter account, the official explained that Mexico generates 1.2 percent in geothermal, 2.0 percent in nuclear, 4.3 percent solar, 7.5 percent wind, and 16 percent hydroelectric, that is, a total of 31 percent.

She argued that therefore energy, thanks to the reliability of the National Electric System (SEN), “is guaranteed in a safe and continuous manner.”

She said that the combined cycle power plants operate 24 hours a day, through gas and water vapor; This technique maintains the continuity of the system and offers support to the national electrical system when the intermittent (renewable) do not produce.

Additionally, she indicated, electricity generation in Mexico is produced by different sources such as those already mentioned: hydro, geothermal, nuclear, wind and solar that are renewable, which will increase in an orderly manner.

She also reported that of the three electrical auctions held, 67.13 percent of infrastructure has been installed. Of these, four thousand 544 megawatts (MW) are in service; which in turn are divided into three thousand 418.3 MW of solar or photovoltaic energy and one thousand 125.8 MW of wind energy.

As for the projects in process, she said that there are 20, which will generate 2,225.1 MW, of them, at least 1,229.6 MW will be photovoltaic and 995.7 wind.

After the publication of the “Agreement by which the policy of reliability, security, continuity, and quality in the National Electricity System is issued”, which was questioned because it would limit renewable energy, Sener stressed the day before that its main benefit is to guarantee an order efficient generation and distribution of the resource throughout the national territory.

“Today we are experiencing the consequences of the pandemic and it is noteworthy that electricity demand in the industrial and commercial sector was drastically reduced, thereby increasing the pre-existing imbalance between electricity generation capacity with respect to demand.”

Hence, the reliability and continuity of the electricity supply is compromised, especially to guarantee the operation of essential activities and the uninterrupted operation of the infrastructure and the health system during the emergency, argued the agency.


The Mazatlan Post