Newborn is discharged mother infected with coronavirus died after delivery


On April 3 José Luis was born, a baby whose mother died from Covid-19. He was premature, gave birth through cesarean section, and presented respiratory insufficiencies, so the prognoses were bleak; However, his small body resisted not being infected by the disease and on Tuesday he was released.

23 04 baby high coronavirus

“The infant, barely 18 days old, is the first child of a mother infected with coronavirus in the country and he is already free of the virus,” the Mexican Social Security Institute reported in a statement.

Since the mother entered the General Hospital number 2 in Coahuila, the doctors were aware of the risk of latent contagion that she supposed for the baby during the delivery, so the doctors gave specialized attention to the woman so that this did not happen..

“The baby could have been infected, not inside the mother, but once it was born, in the environment where she was, because she was a transmitter of the virus, ” explained Dr. María Gabriela González Yruegas, head of the Pediatrics Department, who also highlighted that José Luis had been baptized “Baby Miracle” , for not having contracted the disease despite the circumstances.

José Luis's father with his son before leaving the hospital where he was hospitalized for 18 days.  (Photo: IMSS)
José Luis’s father with his son before leaving the hospital where he was hospitalized for 18 days. (Photo: IMSS)

It should be noted that for his birth it was necessary to set up a special operating room because of the mother’s illness, who would die six days after delivery. Before the emergency, the minor was transferred to the General Hospital of Zone No.1 in Saltillo, where he was reported as very serious.

Within that medical institution, he was in an isolated area specially prepared for his observation and attention, as well as the neonatal intensive care that was given to him once the specialists ruled out that he had the new coronavirus.

The mother, according to state health authorities, died because, in addition to Covid-19, she had complications with her blood pressure, so she could not resist the process.

Both she and her husband work at the General Hospital of Zone number 7 in Monclova, Coahuila, one of the places that in early April registered significant growth in the number of infections among medical personnel.

In a video broadcast by the IMSS, it is possible to see how José Luis leaves the hospital in the arms of his father, who walks down the hall while the nurses applaud the baby for having come forward despite the complicated recovery process.

The mother was a nurse and works in a Monclova hospital, where infections among the staff grew significantly at the beginning of the month.  (Photo: IMSS / Cuartoscuro)
The mother was a nurse and works in a Monclova hospital, where infections among the staff grew significantly at the beginning of the month. (Photo: IMSS / Cuartoscuro)

“Thank you for the superhuman effort you made to allow the miracle of my son’s life, ” said the father, who revealed that he is currently unemployed and with a 10-year-old daughter.

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