The National Tourist Business Council (CNET), made up of the hotel, restaurant, land and air transport, and services sectors, indicated that the report presented last Sunday by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to reactivate the economy, It does not recognize the magnitude of the crisis that the country is facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, which could lead to “irreversible” problems.

“We consider that the economic recovery plan announced during last Sunday’s report does not recognize or address the magnitude of the world crisis that day by day destroys the generation and preservation capacity of employment in the business sector in general, and tourism in particular, and whose consequences, in terms of employment, could be devastating and irreversible, ”the statement said.

The Mexican tourism industry is the first employer for young people and the second for women. It contributes 9% of the national Gross Domestic Product, this means that it employs 12 million people in the field.

The CNET calls urgently for collaborative work with the government and to keep at least 4,000 direct jobs generated by the tourism industry.

In the Tourism sector there are 450 thousand micro-companies that are in immediate danger of disappearing and, with them, a significant part of the workforce, who recorded a drop in income of 50% in March.

Currently, the tourist value chain amounts to 65 million dollars and is on the tightrope, due to the measures taken by the health crisis, and which, if it does not take the appropriate reactivation measures, could suffer a serious fall.

In addition, they point out that during the month of March they sent three letters to the Secretariats of Finance, Economy and Tourism, in which we proposed 14 support measures for the sector, so they are in complete readiness to carry out cooperative work to get out of the crisis favorably, highlighting that they always support social programs, however, the sector must also be supported, which is a source of employment for thousands of Mexicans.

“Today, more than ever, actions are urgently needed to decisively support the tourism industry. The times demand fast, firm and forceful measures that help preserve jobs, avoid a solvency crisis in the sector, and lay the foundations for immediate recovery. We urge the Government of the Republic to join our effort. ” 


The Mazatlan Post