ADI requests a period of five calendar days and the participation of certified experts in construction safety and stability.
The Association of Real Estate Developers (ADI) issued a statement to its members yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, April 1), confirming that the federal government ordered the suspension of private works throughout the country.

The above under the agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 31, which establishes the “suspension of non-essential activities” in accordance with the General Health Council.
In this regard, the ADI maintained that “the suspension of activities in works must be carried out in an orderly manner and based on opinions made by certified experts in construction safety and stability”, who should indicate the feasibility of stopping activities as well as the actions to be carried out previously, “especially on works that are in the excavation stage in order to avoid accidents and guarantee safety conditions”.

In this sense, in the specific case of Mexico City, the ADI reported that the authorities have requested that the suspension of works be carried out during the course of this week, and when it comes to work that is at risk “they must have an opinion from a Director Responsible for Works or a Co-Possible in Structural Safety ”.
This opinion must specify and schedule the actions to be carried out to ensure structures. In addition, the local government will publish the guidelines for the suspension of works in the official gazette.
The association that brings together more than 80 companies and 70% of the real estate projects in the country proposes that the federal and local authorities grant at least 5 calendar days as a deadline to remove equipment, tools, scaffolding, machinery, cranes and “ensure that they do not a risk prevails for pedestrians, neighbors and the work itself ”.
According to the consultancy Deloitte, the National Infrastructure Plan proposed a private investment of 859,022 million pesos, in 147 projects within the national territory, which should be carried out between 2020 and 2024, and which would represent a historic 5% of the national GDP.

After the first cases of COVID-19 contagion appeared in Mexico, the consultant warned that “those companies whose activities require having their employees at a job site will be the most affected”, such is the case of construction works.
Deloitte has also warned that, “linked to the above”, a second risk is the eventual suspension of the supply chain.
The consultant’s strategic risk partner, René Nájera, has suggested to companies:
1. Give a clear and transparent message of what is being done
2. Give reassurance that the situation is being addressed.
3. Maintain the well-being of people because that will make the commitment of employees greater when they return to operations.
4. Focus on risk response plans. Consider scenarios of damages and what will be done to respond to them.
5. Address breaches of contracts that will surely come in accordance with government regulations.
6. Adjust budgets and projections according to the interruption time.
7. Update crisis management protocols or mechanisms.
The Mazatlan Post