Jalisco approves Anti-Noise Law up to 36 hours jail time for violators

Up to 36 hours of arrest for noisy neighbors

Finally, the inhabitants who complained about the excessive noise of their neighbors will be able to sleep peacefully thanks to the fact that a reform to the State Law of Ecological Balance was approved to eliminate the auditory contamination and apply sanctions to those who practice activities with excessive sound.

The new law called Anti-Noise Law will enable a system to receive complaints from citizens 24 hours a day so that security personnel goes to verify the decibels of the reported sound.

The sanction will apply to private properties, residential houses, and commercial establishments from 9 a.m. to 8 a.m., where they cannot exceed the limit of decibels or otherwise, their neighbors may submit the report to an emergency number.

Once the complaint is received, the municipal authority will go to the address to deliver a recommendation, which in case of not being attended will proceed to the arrest of 36 hours and a fine that could amount to 40 thousand 300 pesos. The penalty for commercial establishments will be the license closure and revocation if they exceed the two sanctions in one year. In this case, establishments that use sound in their turns (factories or bars) must establish a decibel monitoring system so as not to exceed what is established.

The promoter of the reform, Augusto Valencia said that municipalities should empower inspectors to measure the volume of sound in commercial establishments, while the municipal police will handle complaints to noisy neighbors.

FAQ- Anti-noise Law

Guadalajara Jalisco.

The Anti-Ruled Law is already a reality. And therefore, once this rule was published in the Official Newspaper of Jalisco , it raises several doubts among citizens.

Next, the answers to some of these concerns.

The first of the doubts:

How many decibels are allowed?

There will be two periods to classify the decibel level. A schedule from 06:00 hours to 22:00 hours and another night, from 22 hours to 06:00 hours.

In a residential area, 55 decibels are allowed during the day and only 50 at night.

In industrial or commercial areas, there are 68 decibels by day or 65 at night.

In the school zone, 55 decibels are allowed and during ceremonies, festivals or entertainment events, one hundred decibels are allowed for four hours.

Design: Irving García

How will decibels be measured?

Each business must have its measurement system, known as a sound level meter, or it will be installed by the owner of that business.

In homes, cell phone applications can be used to measure noise: digital sound level meters.

Will serenades be banned?

No, they are not prohibited.

While the music does not exceed the allowed decibels and there is no complaint about excessive noise.

It should be remembered that in the residential areas from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 50 decibels are allowed.

Is there a penalty for those who have dogs that bark at night on their rooftops?

Yes. But there should be a complaint, and that the noise level is excessive.

Will motorcycles or trailers that generate noise be punished?

Those are already prohibited by law. Generating excessive noise by means of muffles can already be penalized.

Regarding trailers that sometimes park in residential areas and make noise when starting and heating their engines, they can be penalized, depending on whether the noise is excessive and can be reported to the city hall.

Is the ringing of bells in churches prohibited?

That issue was not considered in the initiative.

Is the peripheral sanctioned?

Anyone who generates noise pollution will be sanctioned. That is, to exceed the allowed decibels, either a gas delivery truck or a passenger clothing.

Who makes parties on the street will be sanctioned?

Holding parties on public roads without permission from the municipal authorities is already an administrative offense.

But if the decibels allowed for zone rooms, which are between 50 and 55, can be reported and sanctioned.

To whom is a neighbor or noisy business reported?

Before the municipality of the municipality where you reside. This authority will warn the noisy and if they ignore, the sanctions will be applied.

Do they ask you for personal information in the complaint before the town hall?

The municipal regulations must specify the requirements for the complaint as an example, in 911 only one name is requested, without a last name, to follow up the registry.

If the city council ignores the complaint, is there any other instance to complain about?

You can go to the Municipal Comptroller to file a complaint to be bound by the authority and press to act on the complaint.

How much is the fine?

Previously, fines were measured in minimum wages, but as of January 1, 2017, the units of measurement and update are used as a parameter to set economic sanctions.

The fine for the noise is 500 units of measure. Currently, each unit of measurement and update is around 80 pesos, therefore, the fine will be 40 thousand pesos.

There will also be 36-hour arrests.

If a business recidivists and is fined twice in the same year, it will lose its business license.

How do I avoid paying the fine if it is my tenant who makes noise?

It has caused a controversy that fines not paid for noise in homerooms could be charged to property taxes.

Therefore, it is recommended to establish the tenant’s responsibility in the lease in case of excessive noise.

Those interested in knowing more, can consult the August 23 edition of the Official State Gazette, where these reforms were published to the State Law of Ecological Balance of Jalisco, which by the way, should be harmonized by the municipalities in the next 180 days.

Source: udgtv.com, zonaguadalajara.com

The Mazatlan Post