In the life of the country there are episodes as representative as this, but did you know about it?

Mexico.- The episode of February 9, 1913, in Mexico is known as the “March of Loyalty”, when the cadets of the Military College accompanied President Francisco I. Madero in the Column of Honor, during his journey to the National Palace, which had been taken in the middle of a Cuartelazo starting at dawn on the same day.

Upon hearing about the events, on the morning of February 9, 1913, President Francisco I. Madero left his residence at Chapultepec Castle and went to the Military College located in the same compound. Immediately, Lieutenant Colonel Víctor Hernández Covarrubias, Assistant Director of the Campus, ordered the students to prepare to go out in a gala uniform. The President explained to the cadets the situation in which the Capital was.

Loyalty is the fulfillment of the laws of fidelity and honor demand. It is a virtue that develops in the conscience and that implies fulfilling a commitment even in the face of adverse circumstances.

In a long summary of this episode of Mexico, the Ministry of National Defense recalls that on February 9 approximately 350 students, between 16 and 28 years of age, departed that morning from Chapultepec to accompany the President as an incontestable sample of the loyalty of the aforementioned Campus in defense of the Institutions.
On February 10 at night, the President ordered that the students return to the Military College, which carried out their march with all the rules and precautions of the campaign; they continued in alarm cantonment, doing all the tactical security services, outposts, patrols, etc., covered the entire extension of the forest, their own accommodation and the Chapultepec Castle that was the presidential residence.

In addition, already in the School all the personnel of bosses and officers requested to be placed in the positions of combat of greater danger to defend the Institutions, to which the Secretary of War and Navy responded that “being this establishment a center of educational instruction who should not collectively take part in the intestinal struggles, must remain neutral, maintain their energies and be prepared in case the course of events leads us to an international conflict and in which as Mexicans and crib soldiers, they will have to maintain integrity and the decorum of the Fatherland.

So that Mexicans do not forget where we come from and where we are going, AMLO stipulated a series of activities in which historical dates are remembered and given due respect that they deserve.

In the same way, he proposes that for this purpose, long bridges or weekends be suspended so that children and adults celebrate the dates that have made Mexico the homeland it is.