In Tabasco alone, 1,500 peasants were sanctioned, because during inspection visits it was confirmed that their hectares were not working
Authorities of the Ministry of Welfare confirmed that the ‘Sowing life’ program did not reach the projected goals for 2019 and it was also necessary to terminate 17 thousand beneficiaries who wanted to “collect without working”.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador led an ejidal assembly on Friday in the municipality of Teapa, where he said that so far 150 thousand hectares have been planted for the benefit of 60 thousand farmers, who receive five thousand pesos, four thousand 500 pesos directly and 500 pesos of savings.
In his speech, López Obrador said that this has not been easy because they left him with a “cast, rheumatic and tricky elephant” , but savings of 300 billion pesos have been achieved by simply avoiding corruption and not governing with luxuries, with those who are financing social support.
Prior to this meeting, the Secretary of Welfare, María Luisa Albores, admitted that in the country there is a deficit of 150 million plants for reforestation, and in the region in states such as Tabasco, production did not exceed 30 percent of what was established, especially in relation to community nurseries.

“There is a lack of plants that is due in the first place to the fact that in the country there has never been a demand for plants like the one promoted by this reforestation program, in addition to the ravages due to the droughts and prolonged droughts that were recorded,” Albores said.
In that context, the Undersecretary of Welfare, Javier May Rodríguez, indicated that at the national level it was determined to remove from the register 17 thousand people who considered that this benefit “was as before”, where they were not obliged to comply with the activities for those who received the resources.
In the entity, 1,500 peasants were sanctioned, first with the retention of their financial support and then with their definitive withdrawal, because the inspection visits confirmed that they were not working their hectares, which also impacted on the goals.

Albores González stressed that Tabasco has a production report of 8 million plants in 2019 and only in the area of the Sierra there are 4 million 147 thousand plants.
He also said that in 2020 it is intended to cover what was not produced this year, so an agreement was signed with the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) for the donation of 80 million plants that will be used for agroforestry systems.
The same will be done with commercial nurseries to obtain 30 million mainly fruit plants, as well as with community nurseries from which it is estimated to obtain between 40 and 50 million units.
The Mazatlan Post